Dance Summer School Aug 2015
viagra canada sovaldi sale Geneva; font-size: 18pt;”>The Professional Division Dance Summer School runs Monday to Friday August 17 to 21.
troche Geneva; font-size: 12pt;”>This summer school is compulsory for any students that have been recommended for Pointe work, try and are being considered for entry into the Graded Vocational Examination next season.
Course B: Inter Foundation and Intermediate:
4.5 hours of instruction per day with 4 classes.
Course C: Advanced (1 & 2):
4.5 hours of instruction per day with 4 classes.
Classes will include Syllabus preparation, Allegro and Pointe along with modern incorporating Stretch and Strength to enhance flexibility and core stability and Jazz. Continuous training is recommended for students working at these higher levels, as muscle memory and conditioning are imperative to execution of the technical demands.
Our Children’s Dance Summer School runs Monday to Thursday August 24 to 28. 
Summer School is recommended for those students wishing to be entered for exams and those attending will be considered for Festival work in the new upcoming season.
Grade 1 & Grade 2 Course A1:
2 Classes per day 9:30 – 11:30
Grade 3 & Grade 4 Course A2:
3 Classes per day 12:00 – 3:00
The classes are varied with Ballet each day to refine technique while developing new skills through the gracefulness of the Art. Character a fun rhythmic dance form developed from National dances of Hungary, Russia and Ukraine will be offered. As well, the children will explore modern movements, from which the lyrical quality evolves for exams and work on acting styles needed for story ballets such as “Cinderella”.
Please notify the office for an application and enrollment reservation
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