Preschool dance classes Langley Surrey
best viagra cure Geneva; font-size: 18pt; color: #993366;”> Preschool Dance Classes Langley Surrey at Cameron Dance Academy.
Our Preschool dance classes Langley Surrey at Cameron Dance Academy are “Baby Ballerinas and Danseurs” for 3 & 4 year olds that start in September and run to June
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. These classes are showcased in our Yearly Production at the Surrey Arts Theatre in June. Classes are 45 minutes long and with a choice of weekdays or Saturdays are a delightful introduction to dance and music. Professional instruction in a studio designed with sprung marley floors, ampoule mirrors, and art work in a bright inviting dance studio atmosphere is conveniently situated in the Willoughby and Willowbrook area. Our Preschool Dance Classes build the “Love of Dance that lasts a Lifetime”. These levels are a foundation to our success in training remarkable students, dancers and dance teachers. Using imagination, engaging music, props, and appealing dance movement the children are excited to attend these classes. We also offer Parent & Tot Classes for children 18 months to under 3 years, in 10 week sessions, for the budding young dancers who love to move and dance. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enroll your child for the season. For further information email the office at