Dance Academy Classes RAD Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Parent & Tot, Preschool, Adults -Langley Surrey
Cameron Dance Academy Acro & BalletTech classes
Miss Kelly Bennis RTS backstage with young Cameron Dance Academy DancersCameron Dance Academy student with Sophia Lee – former Cameron Dance Academy student and now Principal dancer of RWBOur Family Welcomes You
discount viagra viagra Geneva; font-size: 18pt;”>Cameron Dance Academy in the Langley Surrey area welcomes you to Our Dance Academy offering Ballet Modern Jazz Tap and Acro dance classes. The season will commence on Sept 14 and we look forward to the start with enthusiasm and vitality. Our students are looking forward to a summer schedule with technique classes, diagnosis and Acro classes July 7 – Aug 11, Frozen Dance Camp July 13 and again Aug 4-7, and our Summer School for Grades 1-Advance 2 in August
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. Our Dance Academy and our family of dancers are looking forward to the addition of Tap and Acro to the schedule next season as well as its scheduled events of Royal Academy of Dance Performance Examinations, new choreography for Dance Competitions, community performances and the year end production at the Surrey Arts Theatre June 5th