Dance Academy Classes RAD Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Parent & Tot, Preschool, Adults -Langley Surrey
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. Over and above this, they are also mentors – patience, understanding, and unconditional support are just some of the many qualities demonstrated by Miss Cameron and all under her employ. Dancers spend so much of their time training, it is imperative they are able to do it in a positive and supportive environment, which is exactly what Cameron Academy provides for every student. I now train in London, England, and have had the ability to take on many opportunities including dancing with an amateur ballet company and taking classes with some notable teachers from both the Royal Ballet and the English National Ballet. Cameron Academy gave me an incredible foundation upon which to build my training and I feel that all of my future successes will be, in part, attributed to the 9 years I spent at the studio. I have learned to both dance and love dance, which is an invaluable quality I will carry with me always. Shana Bonneteau
Shana Bonneteau (L) with Megan Fawkes (R) in Fantasies for Every Soul