Girls VGE Dance Dress Code Leotards for Classwork, any solid colour-any style
Sleeveless Black Leotard (For exam purposes)Optional Black Elastic
Ballerina Pink tights
Pink soft ballet shoes for open classes
Pink Pointe Shoes
Pink Soft (broken down) Pointe shoes ( Needed for exam purposes exception Intermediate Foundation needs pink soft ballet (not split soles)Bloch shoes with Ribbons for exam.
BoysVGE Dress Code – White leotard or short sleeved white T-shirt worn inside the tights
Tights: Black or Navy blue
White socks worn over the tights
White or black shoes with white elastic
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Please Note *Second-skin leotard is required for all dancers to use under the costume for the Production shows in May/June.
Hair: Girls must arrive ready for class in a neat bun, using pins hairnet and gel with bangs pulled back for all classes.
Boys neatly styled.